
01 Introduction

A digital agency in Paris that works for CAC 40 companies, but also for SMEs, ETIs and start-ups.
The agency operates in several sectors, such as retail, cosmetics, banking luxury, insurance, industry, automotive, public service...

02 Description

I worked for 2 years at Subskill.com as a back-end web developer during my master "Expert in information system" at MyDigitalSchool.com in Paris.

I was in charge of different actions :

  • Design / Creation / Maintenance of websites

  • Design / Creation / Use / Maintenance of API/web services

  • Database modeling

  • Reflection on the technical architecture of projects

  • Implementation or discovery of CMS / Framework

  • Code, Code and more Code

With my team we have worked on website redesigns or total creations.

03 What did I learn ?

Technologies :

  • PHP / Symfony

  • Javascript

  • MySQL


  • Git

We also worked on Wordpress websites by creating special themes and customizing modules.

Qualities :

  • Teamwork

  • Deadline management

  • Involvement at work

  • Stress management